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Domestic Central Hot Water System

For customers with high demand for hot water, we provide solutions for the whole house with no-cold-water system. It is equipped with a 100-500L volume water tank to meet the needs of large-sized apartments and villa users at any time. At the same time, the system can be equipped with a floor heating system to keep it warm throughout the whole winter. 

Boilers System Diagram


Domestic Central Heating System Diagram


Product Details

With digital management, the system could operate by mobile phone on APP.

The system has the characteristics of quiet operation, high efficiency, energy saving, and being environmental friendly.

 The system has the characteristics of strong heat production capacity, which could supply constant temperature hot water throughout the house for users to enjoy hot water at will.

 The service life is about 15 years, which is twice the service life of ordinary gas water heaters.

 The system applies stainless steel/enamel liner volumetric hot water tank,which is durable under high pressure, being anti-corrosion and anti-shrinkage

 In order to ensure the water quality in the hot water exchange tank to be cleaner and healthier for use, the system is equipped with a unique weekly high temperature sterilization function.

Technical Parameter
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